
Monster legends saulot
Monster legends saulot

You do NOT need to have played the game to rp here, as the game doesn't act on the lore anyway so that leaves a lot of worldbuilding up to us. Will Ragnarok succeed, or can the Warmasters keep him in check? It seems there are rebels too who wish to help, because not everyone is welcoming of this powerful entity's rule. When the other Warmasters refused to bow to him, he gathered his own army, big enough to challenge the rest of the Warmasters' armies combined. He also saw the bond between humans and Monsters as wrong. And he also claimed that he should be the rightful ruler.

monster legends saulot

This entity, Ragnarok, was actually a Warmaster, or so he claimed. He had no defined element, and could copy any ability he wanted. Eventually though, a mysterious being came to light. War swept quickly through the land, and no one knew who started it it seemed.

monster legends saulot

However, something caused the Warmasters to lash out at each other, leading their creatures to battle, humans caught in the crossfire. And for the longest time, peace was maintained for the most part. Long ago, to help keep balance between the nine elements, Uriel appointed Warmasters and their generals to serve as leaders as well as encourage all Monsters to try and work with humans.

Monster legends saulot